Rabu, 26 Januari 2011


A thousand of regrets I use today. I realize that I have to do something useful not useless. But what? Well I make this blog to make some money. But that is a wrong reason. Don’t make something just for money. Don’t just go to college for become an employee with big salary, don’t just become an actress/actor to become famous, don’t just become a doctor for a billion bucks, don’t. Do all of that because it is you. Because it is what you want for all your life. Do something because it’s the only way to make your life become perfect and your heart will be in peace. Do it because you happy with it.
I’m failed in some lesson and I’m really down right now. But I know, I can’t just be like this. I know my parents will disappoint about me, so I must to do everything to make them trust me again.

This song really help me to be strong. Thanks P!nk...

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